The Truth About Teresa: Vol. 1 No. 2 (The Hit Dog Hollers)

Dear Readers,

My mama told me when I was growing up that a hit dog will holler. I didn’t understand what that meant at first, but as I grew up I learned it meant that when you tell truths that are uncomfortable for some to hear, they will respond loudly–if not truthfully.

Well the first little e-mail sent out has certainly caused a lot of hollering from Mrs. Tomlinson and her campaign staff.

I will take Mrs. Tomlinson at her word regarding the few additional thousand dollars she claims to have given to Republicans–that still makes it well over 80% of her political giving has gone to Democrats.

Here are a few other facts:

–The Chairman of the Muscogee County Democratic Party has called Teresa a “good Democrat”.

–The Muscogee County Democratic Party has donated $500 to Teresa Tomlinson’s Mayoral Campaign.

–John Edwards Presidential Campaign in 2008 identified Teresa Tomlinson as a “Democratic Fundraiser and Activist”

Teresa Tomlinson has spent the better part of the last decade laboring to elect Democratic candidates and has put tens of thousands of dollars into that effort.

She is, simply put, a partisan Democrat.

Why she refuses to acknowledge that simple fact and move on to other issues is beyond the ability of us here at TTAT to comprehend.

Mrs. Tomlinson also asks that we examine the political giving of her law firm to show that she has a more even-handed political history that our prior e-mail indicated. We will leave a thorough examination of that for another day, but suffice it to say her Plaintiff oriented Firm has given far more to Democrats than Republicans.

Let us attempt to answer a question implied by Mrs. Tomlinson in her lengthy missive responding to this simple statement of fact, which is why does party affiliation matter in the race for Mayor?

The answer is simple–Democrats tend to support policies that include increasing taxes and spending. So as a voter the party affiliation of the candidates is an important factor in deciding who is most likely to support those policies I would like to see implemented. If I want higher taxes and more spending on government, I would be more likely to support a Democratic Party fundraiser and activist.

A final note–due to popular demand from many of you we are posting these missives at for your review and comment. As you will see from Mrs. Tomlinson’s comment which is posted there, we encourage a full and complete discussion of the issues we have raised and will continue to raise during the remainder of this campaign.

We remain committed to the Truth until next time,


About thetruthaboutteresa

The Truth About Teresa
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1 Response to The Truth About Teresa: Vol. 1 No. 2 (The Hit Dog Hollers)

  1. Charles Miller says:

    My question is this – if Teresa thinks this doesn’t matter then why is she spending so dadgum much time on it?! Is she ashamed of her record? If she is a Democrat then embrace it and don’t apologize. She talks about “transparency” and then dances all around the issue.
    A lot of different things make a good leader but there are some universal strengths that every leader must possess. A leader must have courage. A leader can’t be afraid or ashamed of who he or she is. A leader must be tough. If you believe in something then own it and be willing to defend it. Don’t run from it. A leader must be truthful – even if doing so is unpopular.
    A leader must be accountable. Stand for the hard right over the easy wrong. A leader must be above the fray when it comes to “personal” attacks. If Teresa is going to react to this website like she has then how on earth is she going to be able to stand the stress of heading up the city government? Is she going to waste a ton of time on every little complaint or “attack” on her?
    It’s always scary when a petulant, thin-skinned person obtains a position of power. Is Teresa going to bring the full wrath of the city government down on anyone who opposes her or doesn’t go along with her? Is that REALLY what we want in a mayor?
    This city has almost 200,000 people in it from many different cultures and backgrounds. It is the home of the largest military installation in the world. Our population is about to increase by 10-15%. We have some of the largest companies in the country right here. There is constant racial tension in this town and economic and safety issues abound.
    I want a mayor who has a steady hand and doesn’t “bow up” at every little criticism. I want a mayor who can talk with generals and privates and treat them with equal dignity. I want a mayor that can court industry and bring jobs and prosperity to this town. I want a mayor who can talk to our citizens who are at odds with each other in a calm, clear voice – a voice of reason and compassion for all. I want a mayor who realizes that personal attacks are part of the job and refuses to let such attacks occupy his or her time.
    I don’t want a mayor who “had much given to them” by suing businesses. I don’t want a mayor who doesn’t understand that suing travel companies costs Columbus millions of dollars in lost revenue. Even worse, I don’t want a mayor who DOES understand that but prefers to benefit herself and her husband at the expense of the city.
    Strength and character, or lack thereof, always show up when the pressure is on.
    Teresa can make false accusations against Wayne Anthony and his supporters all day long if she prefers. However there are two things of which I’m sure. One – Wayne Anthony will not respond and be petty – he will show the gravitas necessary to lead this city and not take it personally. Two – a smart voter will recognize this and vote for a true leader.
    I hope everyone reading this will consider this. There is too much at stake in Columbus to get this decision wrong.

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